Welcome to our school. Welcome to your school. Together we will endeavour to ensure the time spent at Gladstone Central State School by your child is rewarding. At Gladstone Central dedication to academic excellence goes hand in hand with individual care for each student; history and tradition meet innovation and creativity; the values of a caring community underpin an education of the whole person — intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural, and social.
We teach with a passionate commitment to the learning process and to providing a caring and empathetic culture in every classroom. We provide a learning environment rich in diversity, opportunities, and resources.
We know that the collaboration between teachers and parents is what makes our community so special. We know it delivers wonderful benefits for the children. We encourage and cater for a broad range of childhood interests and enthusiasms. The performing and visual arts are especially important components of the holistic education we provide. All classrooms are equipped with up-to-date technology including interactive whiteboards.
We are proud of our reputation as a great school, but we are even prouder of our children and it is a privilege to teach and nurture them in concert with their families. We feel intensely fortunate to be involved in their lives this year and in the future beyond.
We look forward to a productive partnership with our students, parents and school community, as together, we plot a course for developing each of our students to realise their individual and collective potential.
Leanne Martin, Principal.