The school has a student support committee which meets
fortnightly and assists with prioritizing access to specialist personnel and
provide appropriate targeted learning support. Referrals to this committee
should be through the classroom teacher, and parents may consider discussing
this with them if they have concerns about their child's learning.
Children with
disabilities in the areas of hearing impairment, visual impairment, intellectual
disability, physical impairment and autistic spectrum disorder, are profiled to
provide appropriate educational adjustments and have individual education plans
developed. Advisory visiting teachers visit the school to provide support and
advice to the teachers and parents of these children.
Children who experience ongoing learning difficulties are identified through
data and have support plans developed for them collaboratively by the class
teacher and enabling teachers. Our enabling teachers assist by testing
students, providing individual, small group and in class support and assisting
classroom teachers implement programs for students.
A guidance officer comes
once a week to the school working with teachers and students,
assessing children and consulting with parents on their children’s needs.